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VestaCP after restore backup

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 3:08 pm
by cheluu
Hi, i've restored my vestacp in a new vps and all works fine, but its continue working for many hours (14hs)

I want to know if it's normal or why i get this "cronjob.NUM" list.

Here's an image:

Another problem is listing my domains it's only say i've 0 domains while i've more than 10, same with emails(CORREO) and BD, the only one works is CRON listed 8 but i've more than 15mailboxes..


My websites, mailboxes are restored, but it's continue for to long..

Thanks so much!

Re: VestaCP after restore backup

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 3:28 pm
by cheluu
Cant anybody helps me? :(