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Pretty url in nginx

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 1:35 pm
Hi, I have a web server with nginx without vestacp in which in my sites-enabled / folder I have the rules for my pretty url. Now I am migrating my server to vestacp but I don't know where I should put my nginx configuration

Re: Pretty url in nginx

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:36 pm
by skamasle

Vesta have a include called if not remember bad nginx.vhost.conf or something like that, you can put your custom rules there or create your own template

But in your admin/ or any user dir, check your conf directory and nginx.conf for any website your may see there some include

Or in any case you can add your own include in any template in vesta or put your rules there and that make it persistent to vesta template rebuilds