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Problem with FORCE-HTTPS and wildcard subdomains

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 11:34 pm
by rraulinio
Hello there,

I have a big problem with those two. Every wildcard subdomain redirects to the main domain if Force-https template is on. If I disable the Force-https template, every wild subdomain redirects to the http:// one, so if I use a script with force ssl in htaccess, there will be an infinite redirect loop because the server is redirect to http and the script will redirect the http to https and so on.

How can I solve this? I just want to have something like force https, or don't know, but when a subdomain (wild card) is accessed I just want it to redirect to https (if accessed on http) and get the content right there. Please help me!

Re: Problem with FORCE-HTTPS and wildcard subdomains

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:32 pm
by fasterfene
did you find the solution?