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RoundCube login fails

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 9:15 pm
by control
I installed Vesta with Exim but without Dovecot, and then installed Dovecot later.

RoundCube login fails with the correct username and password.

Dovecot and exim are listening on the ports:
Command used: lsof -nP -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN

dovecot 28307 root 24u IPv4 102028855 0t0 TCP *:110 (LISTEN)
dovecot 28307 root 25u IPv6 102028856 0t0 TCP *:110 (LISTEN)
dovecot 28307 root 26u IPv4 102028857 0t0 TCP *:995 (LISTEN)
dovecot 28307 root 27u IPv6 102028858 0t0 TCP *:995 (LISTEN)
dovecot 28307 root 38u IPv4 102028877 0t0 TCP *:143 (LISTEN)
dovecot 28307 root 39u IPv6 102028878 0t0 TCP *:143 (LISTEN)
dovecot 28307 root 40u IPv4 102028879 0t0 TCP *:993 (LISTEN)
dovecot 28307 root 41u IPv6 102028880 0t0 TCP *:993 (LISTEN)
exim4 30224 Debian-exim 3u IPv4 102030070 0t0 TCP *:25 (LISTEN)
exim4 30224 Debian-exim 4u IPv4 102030071 0t0 TCP *:465 (LISTEN)
exim4 30224 Debian-exim 5u IPv4 102030072 0t0 TCP *:587 (LISTEN)
exim4 30224 Debian-exim 6u IPv4 102030073 0t0 TCP *:2525 (LISTEN)

In the RoundCube logs:
IMAP Error: Login failed Could not connect to localhost:143: Connection refused in /usr/share/roundcube/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_imap.php on line 196 (POST /webmail/?_task=login&_action=login)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.