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DKIM signing not working

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 8:17 am
by navyn
Hello Guys,

I have hosted 2 domains on vesta cp on my cent os virtual server.

I have configured mail server for those domain on another centos server and created dkim keys via opendkim on this mail server.

As my domain hosted on vesta cp so i need to put my dkim public key in vesta cp DNS records.

Now when i am checking dkim signing it's not working and a valid public key is not found error i am getting that means vesta cp server does not signing my mails.

Please help me how can i do this in vesta cp.

Thank you and your help will be appreciated.

Re: DKIM signing not working

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:07 pm
by navyn
When i am checking DKIM records via tool i am getting this message ---- Unable to extract public key data from DNS TXT record.