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Files/Folders permissions doubts with SFTP Chroot plugin

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 8:04 pm
by scope
Hello, I'm testing the SFTP Chroot plugin and I have some doubts about the files/folders permissions.

By default all my VESTACP users will have nologin SSH Access, so with SFTP Chroot enabled this users will be restricted to their home directory.

My doubts come here: I want to allow my VESTACP users to use SSH if they ask for...

scope wrote:I have found a much better way of doing this without altering the system default configuration permissions. I have installed Jailkit and right now I'm modifying the SFTP Chroot plugin for getting it to work with jailkit :)

I will publish the source code when finished.

EDIT 2: The modification is out: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=13319


Thanks for reading and good greetings from Argentina :)

Re: Files/Folders permissions doubts with SFTP Chroot plugin

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 6:12 am
by scope
I have found a much better way of doing this without altering the system default configuration permissions. I have installed Jailkit and right now I'm modifying the SFTP Chroot plugin for getting it to work with jailkit :)

Re: Files/Folders permissions doubts with SFTP Chroot plugin

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:06 pm
by mike08
scope wrote:I have found a much better way of doing this without altering the system default configuration permissions. I have installed Jailkit and right now I'm modifying the SFTP Chroot plugin for getting it to work with jailkit :)
Interesting, can you post a how to if you get it to work?

Re: Files/Folders permissions doubts with SFTP Chroot plugin

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 6:14 pm
by scope
mike08 wrote:Interesting, can you post a how to if you get it to work?
Yes sure, I will! :)