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Solution for receiving an SSL error stating that the intermediate chain using Cloudflare SSL with VestaCP

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 2:40 pm
by mikeman
If you're receiving an SSL error stating that the intermediate chain is not valid when using Cloudflare SSL with VestaCP, there are a few things you can try to resolve the issue:

Check that you have installed the SSL certificate properly on your VestaCP server. Make sure that the certificate files are in the correct location and that the file permissions are set correctly.

Ensure that your SSL certificate includes the full intermediate certificate chain. You can obtain the intermediate certificate from your certificate authority or download it from the Cloudflare website.

Check the SSL configuration on your web server. Ensure that the SSLCertificateChainFile directive in your Apache or Nginx configuration file points to the correct intermediate certificate file.

If you are using Cloudflare's Origin CA certificate, make sure that you have selected the correct certificate type (RSA or ECC) when generating the certificate. Github Vestacp SSL

Clear your browser's cache and cookies and try accessing the site again.

If none of the above steps work, consider contacting Cloudflare support or your hosting provider for further assistance.

I hope this helps, and good luck resolving any SSL errors you may be experiencing with Cloudflare and VestaCP!