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Recently migrated and now mail is unauthenticated

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 4:05 pm
by TopeZ
I recently migrated my VestaCP websites from 1 server to another, all went well and the migration seems to be a success for the most part but unfortunately it seems that all my mail accounts for the websites are sending unauthenticated mail?

I now have a huge influx of spam email coming in and now my IP address seems to be banned now over at like wtf is the deal? Help please? I'm ripping my hair out over here and so many websites are affected and now I'm blacklisted by over 22 places...

I get a 2.7 out of 10 over at

Re: Recently migrated and now mail is unauthenticated

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 4:21 pm
by TopeZ
I'm trying this method to fix my DKIMs...

v-delete-mail-domain-dkim [user] [domain]
v-add-mail-domain-dkim [user] [domain]

Waiting for propagation... I'll post my results..