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DKIM fail when sending from command line

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 4:15 am
by Peter92
My friend made a database email backup script with sendmail a year ago which I tried to adapt to run on vesta, though Yahoo deletes all the content as it fails security checks.
I checked the raw message, and while the SPF passes, it says dkim=permerror (bad sig). The return path and envelope is from [email protected], but other than that I don't notice much difference with a normal email.
For the record the other guy got it fully working with his site, so the way the script composes the email shouldn't be a problem. Can I make it send using roundcube credentials or something?

Edit: just noticed a potential bug which is part of the reason it took so long to get the vesta subdomain emails working.

Code: Select all

v-list-mail-domain-dkim-dns admin
RECORD            TTL         TYPE      VALUE
------            ---         ----      -----
_domainkey        3600   IN   TXT      "t=y; o=~;"
mail._domainkey   3600   IN   TXT      "k=rsa; p=key"
With it being [email protected], it should set the record name to mail._domainkey.vesta, since mail._domainkey only applies to [email protected].

Edit 2: The other guy is gonna look at trying it with exim tomorrow, that seems to support the DKIM thing