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db permission denied
db permission denied
I have went all the way to 777 and still getting permission denied errors. /etc/bind/* files are the same as another myvesta install except the domain names... this has been an ongoing issue for months but finally caught up to me haha I restarted DNS using 'v-restart-dns' and also 'systemctl restart bind9'
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Mar 11 12:32:12 pi named[32248]: zone pi.ex4.com/IN: loading from master file /home/pi3/conf/dns/pi.ex5.com.db failed: permission denied
Mar 11 12:32:12 pi named[32248]: zone pi.ex4.com/IN: not loaded due to errors.
Mar 11 12:32:12 pi named[32248]: zone ex2.com/IN: loading from master file /home/dns-cluster/conf/dns/ex4.com.db failed: permission denied
Mar 11 12:32:12 pi named[32248]: zone ex2.com/IN: not loaded due to errors.
Mar 11 12:32:12 pi named[32248]: zone ex3.org/IN: loading from master file /home/dns-cluster/conf/dns/ex3.org.db failed: permission denied
Mar 11 12:32:12 pi named[32248]: zone ex3.org/IN: not loaded due to errors.
Mar 11 12:32:12 pi named[32248]: zone do.ex1.com/IN: loading from master file /home/dns-cluster/conf/dns/do.ex1.com.db failed: permission denied
Mar 11 12:32:12 pi named[32248]: zone do.ex1.com/IN: not loaded due to errors.
Re: db permission denied
answer: https://forum.hestiacp.com/t/bind9-zone ... u=arktex54
and add below that:
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nano /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.named
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/etc/bind/** rw,
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/home/** rwm,
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service apparmor restart
Re: db permission denied
I had the same issue concerning my website, could not even read my db after creating a backup, now working. Thanks!