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Linode DNS server automation script

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 2:31 pm
by youradds

I've been doing a lot of work moving over one of my old servers to a new setup with VestaCP. The most of it has been easy, but I've found it a total PITA getting the DNS stuff done on Linode (as you have to setup each domain individually!). So, I decided to write a script to make it easier!

This is ONLY for Linode users, so please be aware of that. This script will:

1) Create the DNS records for you at Linode's end
2) Setup DKIM and SPF for you for the domain in question

The instructions are pretty simple:

1) Run the following commands to setup the linode-cli:

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wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install linode-cli
2) Log into your account at Linode, and then go to: . From there, request the access key. Keep this key safe for the moment - you will need it in a second.

3) Copy the code below, and save as add-to-dns.cgi. Upload this somewhere on your server (that you will remember where it is ;))

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	use WebService::Linode;

	my $ip_4 		= ""; # the IPv4 address of your server
	my $ip_6 		= "xx::xxx:xxx::xxx"; # the IPv6 address of your server
	my $soa_email 	= '[email protected]'; # this is the SOA email you want to use
	my $key 		= 'xxxx'; # Get this from your account online (


sub handle {

	if (!$ARGV[0]) {

	my $domain = $ARGV[0]; # the domain in question
	my $username = $ARGV[1]; # who owns the account
	my $type = $ARGV[2]; # perl, modperl or none

	if (!-d "/home/$username/web/$domain") {
		print qq|Sorry, /home/$username/web/$domain doesn't exist. Please add the domain in VestaCP first!\n|;

 	my $api = WebService::Linode->new( apikey => $key );

	my $list = $api->domain_list();

	# Check if this domain already exits in the DNS.. if it does we need to remove it first before we try and re-add!
	foreach (@$list) {
		if ($_->{domain} eq $domain) {
			print qq|Removing from DNS..\n|;
			$api->domain_delete(domainid => $_->{domainid});

    my $domain_rec = $api->domain_create( domain => $domain, type => "master", soa_email => $soa_email, master_ips => "$ip_4" );

	print qq|Got domain ID: $domain_rec->{domainid} \n|;

	# create the MX record
	$api->domain_resource_create( domainid => $domain_rec->{domainid}, type => "MX", target => "mail.$domain" , priority => 10, name => "" );

	my $result_dkim =  `v-list-mail-domain-dkim-dns $username $domain`;
	my @tmp = split /\n/, $result_dkim;
	my @values = split /\s{2,20}/, $tmp[3];

	my $dkim = $values[4];
	   $dkim =~ s/\n//g;
	   $dkim =~ s/^"|"$//g;

	# dkim, spf etc records
	$api->domain_resource_create( domainid => $domain_rec->{domainid}, type => "TXT", name => "", target => "v=spf1 a mx ~all" );
	$api->domain_resource_create( domainid => $domain_rec->{domainid}, type => "TXT", name => "mail._domainkey", target => $dkim );
	$api->domain_resource_create( domainid => $domain_rec->{domainid}, type => "TXT", name => "_domainkey", target => "t=y; o=~;" );

	$api->domain_resource_create( domainid => $domain_rec->{domainid}, type => "A", target => $ip_4, name => "" );
	$api->domain_resource_create( domainid => $domain_rec->{domainid}, type => "AAAA", target => $ip_6, name => "" );

	foreach (qw/cdn www/) {
		$api->domain_resource_create( domainid => $domain_rec->{domainid}, type => "A", target => $ip_4, name => $_ );
		$api->domain_resource_create( domainid => $domain_rec->{domainid}, type => "AAAA", target => $ip_6, name => $_ );

sub helper {

	print qq|Instructions:

perl add-to-dns.cgi %domain% %username%

%domain% - the domain you want to add
%username% - the username of who OWNS the domain


4) Now you need to update your settings to match your server:

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my $ip_4 		= ""; # the IPv4 address of your server
	my $ip_6 		= "xx::xxx:xxx::xxx"; # the IPv6 address of your server
	my $soa_email 	= '[email protected]'; # this is the SOA email you want to use
	my $key 		= 'xxxx'; # Get this from your account online (
The email is the point of reference you want to use on the SOA record.
$key is the value you got in the last step
$ip_4 and $ip_6 are the IPv4/6 IP's, so make sure to set those to your own IP's!

5) Now just give it a run :)

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perl add.cgi %domain% %username% 
So an example:

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perl add.cgi myusername 
This is still a work in progress, but feel free to give me any feedback :) Hopefully someone else gets some use out of it.

