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Send username/password to another script

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 11:55 pm
by calegendre
Say I wanted to integrate something like net2ftp (and there's a couple others) -- what would I have to do/add to the code for it to pull the logged in user's username and password into either the text fields that I would then set as readonly/locked -- or whatever -- I just want to be able to add a couple things to my particular panel that would require the user to log-in and I don't want them to have to log-in a second time around -- if you're already in the panel, and you're clicking a link to something I've added..... I wouldn't want them to have to type in their information a second time -- but I can't figure out how to call for the username/password of the logged in user.

Thank you so much if anyone is able to help, it'd be much appreciated!