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how do I suggest updates to documentation?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 4:17 am
by really
Specifically, I'm interested in providing enough information for people to pull mod_wsgi from third-party repos (at least on centos7.4) in order to gain access to options such as

Code: Select all

which in my opinion is paramount for vestacp since it's already trying to isolate processes uses mod_ruid2.

So whenever someone tries to run wsgi in daemon mode, the socket is owned by apache:root with chmod 700. WSGISocketPrefix seems to work for some, but in CentOS' case, it's just a really damn old mod_wsgi. It's from 2012, it has no clue about socket-user, and there's nothing that would break if you replace it with a newer version.

So? How do I contribute to the docs?

Re: how do I suggest updates to documentation?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2018 12:31 am
by really
Well let me tell you, given the amount of activity I see here really makes me want to buy support packages! .... NOT.